Obelisk of Senusret I - White - 6x6x42 cm
The Abgig obelisk (also known as the Begig obelisk and the Faiyum obelisk) is the oldest obelisk among all the standing obelisks worldwide. Obelisks were a solar symbol in ancient Egypt and were important religious features in temples.This 20.7 m high obelisk was erected by Senusret I (Middle Kingdom the 12th Dynasty, Reigned 20 Century BC). Although this has been standing almost 4000 years in this place, but due to the rise of groundwater level the pedestal and the bottom of obelisk became immersed in water, the construction of raising the obelisk was done in the 1970s by Krupp of Germany.
With regard to the inscriptions of this obelisk, they are same for all sides. Labib Habachi says so in his book "The Obelisk of Egypt" (1984). The horus name, coronation name, birth name of Senusret I are inscribed. I think the writing rule of this obelisk would be the standard for the obelisks later times.
It's surprising that the obelisk inscriptions remain like this beautifully for nearly 4000 years. I was very impressed that the Hieroglyph's typeface is neat and beautiful. Also, the fact that standing here without collapsing for 4000 years is also surprising.